In short-range plans is to support servicemen
VLADIVOSTOK, February 13, Primorsky territory communists will enforce demands, raised at the protest actions in Vladivostok on January 10 and 31 2009. According to official website of the territorial communist party of Russian Federation, next meeting of protest action territorial staff will take place on February 10 in Vladivostok. Time constraints and forms of the following protest actions in support of demands, raised at the meeting of protest on January 10 2009 and at the protest action on January 31 2009, will be considered at the staff meeting. Primorsky territory Russian Federation Communist Party invited all interested social institutions, citizen group representatives to participate in the staff work for joint action coordination. Every time protest actions, held by Primorsky territory communists together with a number of Vladivostok and Primorsky territory social institutions, attract more and more participants to Vladivostok. As RIA PrimaMedia correspondent a head of fraction Russian Federation Communist Party in Primorsky territory legislative assembly Vladimir Bespalov reported, in short-range plans of the communists- to carry out actions in support of Russian army and navy. "We continue signature-gathering for current defence minister resignation, - Vladimir Bespalov says. – We suggest that carried out reforms and reductions lead to serious lowering of the country defence and seriously strikes at social rights of servicemen." Also it became known to RIA PrimaMedia that Russian federation Communist Party is preparing to the next protest action, which is planned on the beginning of March.